Create your Fundraising Poster Maker

Complete this form to create your Fundraising Poster Maker account

Charity details

Charity brand settings

To add a touch of your brand to your poster please upload your logo and select a font and colours to use. You can change these in the admin later if you are not 100% sure on your selections. If you need help getting your brand colours or logo contact us on

Tip: Upload a logo without white space around it as shown below, logo's with white space will appear smaller on materials. Don't worry if you haven't got this right now you can update this later.

logo without space

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Tip: The web pages and posters are white so please do not select white (#ffffff) for these colours

The poster features 2 lines in the footer, we have suggested you use your strapline and then web address, but it's entirely up to you what you want to use these for.

Tip: This will be added to the materials so DO NOT include the starting http:// or https://

Contact details & privacy link

Please provide your email address for your supporters to reach out to you if needed and a link to your privacy policy.

Tip: This link will appear on the Fundraising Pack Creator forms, if left blank a comment to refer to your privacy policy on your website will be shown instead.

Your log in

Create your user account to allow you to view the supporter activities, make updates or changes to your charity's brand and settings as needed. Plus we notify this email address when a poster is created.

There is only one account per charity so many charities use a group email address.

Tip: Your password must be at least 8 characters including 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter and numbers.

Lastly let's check you are not a robot, please answer the question below: