See how your fundraising materials will look...

Complete the form below and create your sample Coffee Morning Poster Customise it with your logo, preferred font, colours, strapline, and web address to see how your brand will look on the fundraising materials in FundraizingHero.


Why only a touch of your brand...

All our materials feature a touch of your brand, using your logo and colours to give your brand visibility to help build awareness for your charity but at the same time be very clear the activity promoted is organised a member of the public and not an activity organised by your charity.

This is because you should have a clear distinction between the designs used for your organised events and activities to those given out to your supporters.

If a supporter's poster is too on brand people may believe the event is run by your charity instead and that puts your charity in an awkward position should anything go wrong.


Upload your logo as a png or jpg file format.

Tip: Upload a logo without white space around it as shown below, logo's with white space will appear smaller on materials.

logo without space

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Tip: The web pages and posters are white so please do not select white (#ffffff) for these colours

Footer text
