What is Fundraising Pack Automation?
2022-01-27 | Fundraising
Fundraising pack automation is software that creates a full fundraising pack for a supporter without you or your charity having to do anything.
The supporter completes a short online form about the activity or challenge they are planning and then the software (FundraizingHero's Fundraising Pack Creator) will automatically create the materials for this activity or challenge personalised with the information entered by the supporter. They can then download these materials moments later.
Our 3 core fundraising packs
With FundraizingHero's Fundraising Pack Creator there are 3 core packs for users to select between, they can choose:
- A Community Fundraising Pack for events where attendance is required such as quiz nights, coffee mornings and bake sales. This pack includes materials to promote and decorate the activity so items such as a poster, social media post, bunting and DIY collection box to name a few materials in this pack. These materials are personalised to the supporters activity including a relevant illustration so if they are planning a coffee morning, materials will feature an illustration of two coffee mugs.
- A Challenge ‘Sponsor Me’ Pack this is for personal challenges where they raise money by being sponsored to take part or do something like a marathon, cycling challenge or skydive to name a few, this pack contains materials such as a personalised sponsorship form, a ‘please sponsor me’ social post and a back sign complete with an optional QR code to the supporters giving page so they can get donations on the go as they train or take part in their challenge.
- A Thank you Pack this pack is for the supporter to thank people that either attended or sponsored them. It includes a personalised Thank you poster and social post. When a supporter creates their thank you pack they also provide you with all the information you need to create their certificate. There is also a button in the charity admin area for FundraizingHero to create a certificate for you to download and send on.
All 3 packs include a touch of your brand so it’s clear it’s a supporter activity and not run by your charity. To add a touch of your brand we ask you for 2-3 of your brand colours so we can change the illustrations, design elements and heading text to these colours. Your logo so we can place this on all materials. Your strapline (if you have one) and web address these feature on most materials.
We also ask you for your registered charity number, we then add this to all materials, we also add ‘in aid of’ above your logo to make these supporter materials compliant.
Some of the benefits of Fundraising pack automation
- Free’s up your fundraising team’s time to provide great stewardship to these supporters.
- Available 24/7 all year round.
- No delay for supporters waiting for materials to arrive – they can start fundraising straight away!
- Consistent designs every time helping to build your charity’s awareness.
- Easy for supporters to use hopefully stopping them from designing something themselves
Plus with FundraizingHero you can see what materials in the pack they download and how it was personalised so you know what they are planning to do for your charity.
Find out more: How Fundraizinghero can help your charity.
Fundraising, Automation- The Essential Role of a Supporter Hub for Fundraising Materials
- Empower Your Supporters with FundraizingHero's Fundraising Pack Creator
- Tips to create a fundraising poster for your fundraising event
- The Power of Thanking Your Supporters
- Enhancing Engagement: Personalised Fundraising Materials vs. Generic Fundraising Packs