Save £££ on fundraising materials by going digital in 2023
2023-01-03 | Fundraising

Over the last couple of years, your charity has probably embraced many of the digital technologies that have now become part of our everyday life such as video calls, contactless donations and QR codes to name a few but have you ever thought about making your fundraising materials digital?
Many charities have done this by adding PDF’s of materials from their fundraising pack to their website for people to download. However there a few issues with doing this. Firstly your fundraising materials are probably designed to be professionally printed, not for people printing at home so require a lot of ink and trimming to size once printed. Secondly very few charities are tracking these downloads and have no idea if and how they are being used.
So is there another way?
Yes, so with FundraizingHero's Fundraising Pack Creator not only can your supporters download print-friendly materials to decorate and promote their activity, but they personalise them online too. The information entered to personalised these materials is then available to you so you can see what they are planning and what materials they downloaded.

As people personalise the materials online, our fundraising packs also include a personalised social media graphic for them to share online plus a video call background.
So how does going digital save your charity money?
Well going digital removes the need for you to print and post fundraising materials onto your supporters as they self-serve instead.
With FundraizingHero's Fundraising Pack Creator you have over 40 different fundraising packs ready to be personalised. Commissioning a designer to create all these packs would take weeks and cost hundreds of pounds.
All materials in the packs feature your logo and up to 3 of your colours. We also add ‘In aid of’ automatically above your logo and your registered charity number to all materials.
The fundraising materials only use a touch of your brand firstly to give your brand the visibility it needs to help build your charity awareness, and secondly to be very clear that the activity promoted is organised by a member of the public and not an activity that is organised by your charity.
What other benefits are there to going digital?
Besides the savings made on design, print and postage, going digital reduces your charity's carbon footprint to help save the planet. This is done by minimising the emissions from printing in bulk and sending physical fundraising packs and instead allowing supporters to only print what they need.
However digital still emits emissions, computers and web devices require electricity to run, which is why we have signed up to Ecologi to offset the carbon emissions from FundraizingHero, we have donated 150 trees and offset 2 tons of CO2 so far.
How much does FundraizingHero cost, is it really saving £££?
We aimed to make this solution affordable to all charities plus keep our pricing really simple. It’s £18+VAT if you want to pay monthly, with this you can cancel anytime or £198+VAT if you want to pay yearly.
To put this in perspective commissioning a designer to create all the materials FundraizingHero's Fundraising Pack Creator has and then host them all online would cost a lot more than our yearly rate plus seeing what people download and how they personalised the materials would still be a mystery.
Get started today, click here to start your free trial.
Environment, Fundraising- The Essential Role of a Supporter Hub for Fundraising Materials
- Empower Your Supporters with FundraizingHero's Fundraising Pack Creator
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